Download Film The Good Dinosaur HDRip 720p Subtitle Indonesia

         THE GOOD DINOSAUR is a tale of friendship, longing for family, and overcoming fears that takes place in an alternate-history timeline before man began to have a serious impact on Earth.
Timid young dinosaur Arlo (voiced by Raymond Ochoa) is separated from his family and must travel a long, treacherous path home, learning to feed himself and deflect predators.
He does so with the help of a resourceful, independent wild child he calls Spot (Jack Bright); the filmmakers get around scientific evidence that dinosaurs and man never co-existed by showing the meteor that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs taking a wrong turn and missing Earth.
The underlying narrative tells the story of a lost ecological balance, when ruthless nature was in charge, with devastating turbulence and unpredictability.
Predators and destructive storms lurk around every corner, waiting to flatten even the bravest. Ultimately Arlo learns that although fear is normal and healthy, it shouldn't get in the way of living your life.

  • Genre  :  Animation, Advanture, Fantasi
  • Date Release : 23 November 2015
  • Country : USA
  • Quality  :HDRip
  • Size : 906,8 MB
Subtitle Indonesia 
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NB ; untuk memasukkan subtitle indonesia ke Filmya RENAME judul filmnya lalu copas ke nama file srt (nama file srt di samain dengan nama file filmnya)

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