SPECTRE -- the 24th installment of the James Bond franchise, Daniel Craig reprises his role as Agent 007. This time, Bond is seeking to avenge the death of his mentor, the former M (Judi Dench), whose death Bond still can't shake.
His nemesis (Christoph Waltz) this time around appears to be the head of a criminal organization called Spectre, with whom Bond shares a past. Meanwhile, the new M (Ralph Fiennes) is fighting against an MI6 top gun who wants to scrape the entire double-0 enterprise.
To get to his enemies, Bond decides to reach out to the daughter (Lea Seydoux) of another baddie -- but she may actually wind up having more of an influence on him.
His nemesis (Christoph Waltz) this time around appears to be the head of a criminal organization called Spectre, with whom Bond shares a past. Meanwhile, the new M (Ralph Fiennes) is fighting against an MI6 top gun who wants to scrape the entire double-0 enterprise.
To get to his enemies, Bond decides to reach out to the daughter (Lea Seydoux) of another baddie -- but she may actually wind up having more of an influence on him.
- Genre : Action, Advanture, Fantasi
- Date Release : 06 November 2015
- Country : USA
- Quality :BDRip
- Size : 1.1 GB
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