Download Film Korea Secret Visitor HDRip 720p Subtitle Indonesia

      Have you had a bitter experience because of a stranger you let in your house?Don’t be a good Samaritan inviting a stranger into your house recklessly.
Chang-soo invites a stranger man to his house, whom he met through his photography hobby club. The two drinks together and fall asleep. When Chang-soo wakes up, he finds himself tied up and there stands his wife looking scared.
The stranger, who tied up Chang-soo, is watching the scene with the cynical expression on his face. Chang-soo tries to escape in order to protect his wife. But he senses that the vibe between his wife and the stranger man is suspicious. 


Usercloud (Single Link HDRip 720p)
Uptobox (Single Link HDRip 720p)
Subtitle Indonesia (Subscane)

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